Friday, December 3, 2010

when kids worship, the heavens rock!

Jesus always tells us that we should have faith like a child. Maybe because children are less complicated creatures and their simplicity, loyalty and sincerity make them good teachers and evangelizers on how to become a follower of Jesus. That is why, Jesus has commanded us to "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." (Mt. 19:14)And once more, I have witnessed and experienced again how the Lord has called the little ones to live a life extraordinarily for Him and be a real witness to others.
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It was Nov. 29, a Monday and a holiday. At 7am, almost 500 kids (adults not yet included) have gathered at The Event Center of SM Batangas to attend the 2nd District Kids Conference with the theme "Jesus League: League of extraordinary kids" (coming from European Kids Conference 2010's theme). Coming from different towns of Batangas, these KFL members woke up early and excited for the different activities and sessions prepared for them. They attended the mass at the Holy Trinity Parish (which is beside the venue) before they went straight to the venue itself. The conference was opened with a Kids Praise Worship, led by a 10-year old KFL Member, Ivan from Cluster 7. It was his simple invitation to worship God just because He is the reason of why we were there, that made the whole venue rocked with kids' voices praising the Lord. The vibrancy and spontaneity of the emcees, Kuya Darren and Ate Arlene, our KFL Heartchamps, made the kids participate more and enjoy the different activities. And Tito Cesar, the CFC FFL Batangas District Servant, opened the conference commending the kids in giving their lives to Jesus and empowering them to continue doing so.

We had 2 sessions in the morning and another 2 in the afternoon. Session 1 was given by Ate Ivys, wherein kids were taught of the importance of prayer through the life story of David fighting Goliath. They are asked to write in a piece of paper, a prayer of thanksgiving, reconciliation or petition, to be offered to the cross and be prayed over after. As they place their prayer petition, they received a cross necklace that will remind them to pray to Jesus in every circumstances.
kids placing their prayer petition on the cross

Session 2 was given by Kuya Anjo - Heroes have faith - where the children learned the importance of having faith and how to practice it through the life story of Joseph the dreamer. They also had a cape-making activity to symbolize that God will always be with us and we just have to simply believe that He is.
cape-making activity

During lunch, the kids got a surprised visit from Jollibee, which entertained them with dance and picture-taking. 

After lunch came the last 2 sessions. Session 3 was given by Ate Jea - Heroes have courage - they were taught to have courage most especially in difficult times, knowing that God will protect them, just as He protected Daniel in the story, when he was in the Lion's den. The kids were asked to make a Lion's mask that will remind them to be brave and strong in times of adversity.
lion's mask

And with the last session - Jesus is my superhero - given by Kuya Michael, it taught the kids the life lesson of trusting Jesus especially in times of storm and that only He can save us from troubles and trying times. They  also learned the importance of worshipping God through Kids Praise and ended the conference with Kids' Praise fest.
Sing, sing, sing!
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The joy and transformation that I felt after the conference was overwhelming. Seeing the kids raising their hands in worship, some parents and coordinators (and even me!) in tears watching them singing and shouting the Kids Praise songs, everyone participating in the activities and having fun, knowing new friends and having pictures with them... the sight and experience is priceless. I even overheard a passerby asking how much the ticket for the kids' concert because she wanted to bring her child. And 2 children asking their parents to bring them inside the venue, but after explaining to them that it is a private event, resigned to just watching outside and copied the dance steps of sing, sing, sing and insisting their Mom to let them join the other kids next time.

The event was a real success, despite of the short preparation (3 weeks?!?), the youth with their first-time experience in doing their task, and some oppressions on the side. It was really the Lord who worked in this conference; we just gave all our best and let God, through His Spirit worked in us, so that these kids can experience the life that they should be living - a life of prayer and faith in Jesus will give them courage to face any battle in their daily lives. Indeed, they are now part of the league of extra-ordinary kids serving and offering their lives to Jesus.

human-size statues of saints for picture taking

KFL Batangas - DKC 2010

P.S.: did I mentioned that we got the venue for free? That's part of God's blessings to us among many! :)

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