Beyond words, I praise You.
For who You are, to me and to everyone.
Your love is unchanging. Unconditional. Unselfish.
You only think about us. our welfare. our hearts.
You see our imperfections but nevertheless, love us still.
You made the whole world just to show us how great and important are we to You.
But we failed to notice the grandeur of your grace.
We focus on what we lack.
We focus on who we are - the imperfect us.
We fail to see the beauty made around and in us.
We fall on the trap, until we reach the pit.
We never know that we're in it, until we hit the rock-bottom.
But there You are, waiting to catch us
So we'll not hurt ourselves that much when we hit the ground.
You reach unto us, extending your loving arms.
To heal our wounds and bruises caused by our own doings
You forgive and forget the hurt we've caused you
And lovingly gazing at us, seeing only the gem in us.
How can we separate in such awesome love by You, oh Lord?
How can we exchange this wonderful gift
To something we thought that would make us happy
We thought that would make us complete?
Only you can fill us up.
Only you can change us and restore us once more.
More than any of your creations, it is us whom you love the most.
And I bet
You'll still do the same thing - die for us - over and over again
If that's the only way to win us back
If that's the only way to show us your love
If that's the only way to make us understand
That indeed, we are special
And to you, we are the only one.